Saturday, November 29, 2014


So, I'm currently really interested in diving into some iOS development and just spending some time tinkering around with Xcode both for personal and professional reasons, and I'm really feeling the hurt of not owning a Mac.  I need someone to talk me into just biting the bullet and spending the money - because that's what it is.  Apple's precious gated community with a thousand+ dollar fee to get in.

I've debated the Mac Mini route, the cheapest buy-in, but I'm also limping by on my old HP ProBook in terms of a laptop, so I feel the need to upgrade there.  I contemplated the Macbook Air, but I normally rely heavily on using hardwired Ethernet in my home, and I would appreciate the additional power and the Retina display.  So basically now I'm talking myself up from like $500 to $1,500.  Plus, I'll have to spend another hundred to publish apps for iOS...

So this is where I am.  Fed-up with my current situation and too strapped for cash to want to take the plunge into the Apple ecosystem.  What do I do internet?  Give me answers!  Or cold hard cash would be great as well.

To make this not just about me, I just want to comment and say that Apple is in a position where they can do this - and while it is pretty shitty to an outsider - I've only heard good things from devs on the other side of the gate.  So I guess I might just have to pony up and pay the fee.

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